Monday, September 22, 2008


As I sit here and watch my beautiful baby boy sleep I begin to think.  Sometimes you experience something in life so powerful and captivating that changes you forever.  God has always gifted me with the use of words, talking, singing, and writing my thoughts, but there have been a few precious moments that have left me speechless.  However, when I gave birth to my Noah David I stood in awe of the experience.  I had the great honor of hearing the first cries of the life from my baby boy.  I have been in some of the most amazing worship experiences a person could imagine... from leading praise in worship for a few years, touring North America singing, to intimate services, but never ever, have I felt God's presence more than in the room at the birth of my son.  As I amazingly and gracefully gave birth to Noah last month, I could sense my Lord saturating the room with His glory.  As my son gasped and his lungs filled for the first time, I knew my Father who had formed him for nine months was literally breathing life into this child.  In a second I felt peace, power, awe, and I worshipped... deeply, weeping, I worshipped.  No great city, no majestic mountain, no stunning ocean view... nothing speaks of His glory like a newborn life.  As I write this, I am thankful.  Thankful to my heavenly Father, who thinks enough of me to honor and trust me with Noah for our time on earth.  I pray for the mercy and wisdom for Jonathan and I to lead him straight back to his Lord.


donna said...

Beautiful words Ashley....Parenting is indeed a blessing. Welcome to the blog world!

The Greene Family said...

Wow...Thanks for the cry....I need that today :)